Articles of Practice
- We respect the Universal Intelligence granted by the Grand Organized Designer and the innate ability of the body to heal itself.
- We do not cure disease. We simply attempt to allow the body to communicate more efficiently.
- We understand and acknowledge the limitation of matter, but deny any possibility of no hope.
- We believe and practice with all legal and ethical expectations and qualifications of our respective state and government.
- We testify that education is key to the restoration and attainment of optimal health. If “Doctor” in Latin means “teacher”, then let us be such.
- We support the 33 principles presented by R.W. Stephenson as far as it is interpreted correctly.
- We believe that no drug or doctor can heal, that only through one’s own potential can one truly heal.
- We believe in all things good for the body, in proper balance and support noting Thomas A. Edison in his famous quote:
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”We define Health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. We do not judge health on how we feel but how we function.
Finally, we testify that we are inspired men & women who are called to serve this world through the special gift we know as Chiropractic. Simply said,
"When Ye Are in the Service
of Your Fellow Beings Ye Are Only in the
Service of Your God" (Mosiah 2:17)